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announcement center
What are some good ways to use the announcement center to engage with customers?
announcement center
What job does the announcement center do for me?
announcement center
How can I change the background color of my announcement center widget?
announcement center
What are the steps to add a tab to the announcement center?
announcement center
creating content
How do I set up a tab in my announcement center?
announcement center
getting started
How do I change the name of the announcement center to fit my needs?
announcement center
What’s the best way to add content to my announcement center?
announcement center
creating content
How can I delete an announcement center?
getting started
announcement center
How can I create an announcement center?
announcement center
What’s the process for integrating the announcement center with my website?
announcement center
How does Faqprime help with updates, announcements and changelogs in-app?
announcement center
getting started
How do I add a badge to multiple items in the announcement center at once?
announcement center
creating content
How do I add a badge to my announcement center’s content?
creating content
announcement center