How to trigger the Faqprime Helpbot to show on an on-click event/button (for web)


Hide the Faqprime Helpbot (for web)

Add the below code after the Faqprime code:


.faq-bot-button{display:none !important;}


This will hide the helpbot on all the pages. 

IMPORTANT: If you wish to hide the Faqprime helpbot on a specific webpage then paste the above code only on that page.

To show the Helpbot on-click event (button)

You can trigger the helpbot to show on an on-click event(button. Add the (faqbotStartBot(faqbotSrcURL) as the onclick property of your button/event.


Assume your button on which you want to add the helpbot start functionality is <div class="my-button">Example</div>

After the code addition it shall be <div class="my-button" onclick="faqbotStartBot(faqbotSrcURL)">Example</div>


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