I want to draw attention to a limited-time promotion with a circular popup featuring a discount code. How do I do it?

Use a circular popup to prominently display time-sensitive promotions, such as discount codes, encouraging immediate action.


Use a circular popup to display a countdown timer for an upcoming event or product launch, creating a sense of urgency and anticipation.


Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:

  1. Design Your Popup Image: Start by designing an image for your popup. This image should be circular and include all the necessary details about your promotion. For example, it could have text like “Limited Time Offer: Use Code SAVE20 for 20% Off!”.

  2. Upload Your Image: Log into your Faprime account, navigate to the “Popups” section, and select “Create New Popup”. Choose the ‘Circular Image - 1’ template for a circular image popup. Upload the image you designed in the previous step.

  3. Set the Display Rules: Decide when and where your popup should appear on your website. You can configure it to appear after a visitor has spent a certain amount of time on your site.

  4. Set the Target URL: Assign a target URL to your image popup. This is the webpage that visitors will be redirected to when they click on the image. Set this URL to lead to the page where visitors can avail of the special promotion.

  5. Activate Your Popup: Once you’re satisfied with your popup and its settings, you can activate it by changing its status to ‘Active’. It will now start appearing on your website according to the display rules you’ve set.


Here is a more detailed walkthrough: How do I create a popup with a picture? 

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