Ultimate Guide to Create a User Journey Map + Template

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This blog discusses the meaning of a user journey map, the components of a user journey map, how to create a user journey map and the benefits of a user journey mapping.

Have you ever wondered what your customers experience with your product? It’s not just about the features you offer, but the entire journey they take, from the moment they become aware of a need your product solves to the decisions they make before buying and how they feel while using it.

What is a user journey map?

A user journey map is a visual representation of your customer’s path and experience with your product. It should explain how each of your users navigates through every phase of interaction and experiences like frustration and confusion or their feelings in general

A user journey map is mostly based on a timeline of events like their first visit to your website and the way they progress towards their first purchase, onboarding emails, cancellations, etc. 

The best way to identify these phases is to actually have a market research plan and talk to your users to understand how they make decisions, decide to purchase, etc. If you don’t have an understanding of your customers and their needs, your customer map will not be well structured. 

Components of a user journey map

Below are some of the key components of a successful user journey map and how they combine to give your users a flawless experience. 

  • User persona: This is a clear definition of the user persona(s) that the journey map is made for.
  • Stages: This is a clear breakdown of the stages that the user will go through in their journey, from the beginning of their awareness to their final action.
  • Touchpoints: A thorough checklist of all the interactions your user customer will have with your product.
  • Emotions: The feelings your user is probably going to have at every stage of the journey.
  • Pain points: Identifying the potential sources of frustration or annoyance for a user along a journey.
  • Possibilities: Highlighting chances to enhance user satisfaction or provide value at every touchpoint.
  • Metrics: Choosing effective metrics to monitor and assess the user journey map’s effectiveness.
  • Visuals: The use of visuals such as icons, graphics, or images to make the user journey map more engaging and easy to understand.
  • Collaborative input: To guarantee alignment and a shared understanding of the user journey, various teams and stakeholders should collaborate and share their insights.

Types of User Journey

When you’re ready to create a user map, you need to select the appropriate mapping technique- The type of data you want to  display and the amount of time you have available to devote to the user journey process will determine the map you should choose

1. Current state journey maps

The most common type of journey map is the current state journey map because it shows you the pain points of your users and shows you how your users are currently using your product. 

  • Who: Describe your potential customer e.g., James, the technical  student.
  • Goal: What are their goals e.g., learning  a new coding language?
  • Steps: List each interaction point e.g., app download or tutorial section.
  • Actions: What does the user do at each stage e.g, browse courses?
  • Thoughts & Feelings: What’s going on in their mind e.g., excited about learning or confused by navigation?
  • Pain Points: What problems do they face e.g., difficult search function)?


  • Who: James, the technical student.
  • Goal: Learn a new coding language through an online learning app.
  • Steps:
    • Download the app.
    • Creates an account.
    • Browses coding courses.
    • Starts a beginner’s course.
    • Encounters a challenging lesson.
  • Actions:
    • Downloads and opens the app.
    • Creates a new user profile.
    • Searches for “coding languages” courses.
    • Started the “Introduction to Python” course.
    • Struggles to understand a complex coding concept.
  • Thoughts & Feelings:
    • Excited about the variety of courses offered.
    • Frustrated with the lengthy account creation process.
    • Overwhelmed by the number of search results.
    • Engaged with the interactive lesson format.
    • Confused by a lack of explanation on a key concept.
  • Pain Points: Lengthy account creation, overwhelming search results, unclear explanations in lessons.

2. Future state journey maps

These types of maps typically begin with the data gathered for a current state map, but they also provide you greater creative freedom because they are not constrained by the limitations of your present product or user experience.

Gathering information about the existing customer experience and identifying chances for improvement is the first stage in creating a future state journey map. Next, specific measures to improve the map, including creative solutions and feedback loops for ongoing optimization are envisioned and planned.

  • To create this, use the same structure as the Current State template, but focus on a smooth and positive experience.
  • Remove pain points and replace them with positive thoughts and feelings.

3. Day in the life journey maps

An average day in the life of your user, from morning to night, is outlined in a day-by-day user journey map. This kind of mapping shows how a consumer incorporates your product into their everyday activities when they use it, and what issues they’re attempting to resolve with your product.

This kind of road map is ideal if you want to find out what new products your clients might need to carry out their daily needs and how your product can address those issues because it concentrates on how they use your services throughout the day.

  • Who: Describe your potential customer.
  • When: Throughout the day e.g.Morning commute, lunch break.
  • Activity: What is the user doing e.g. exercising, working?
  • Thoughts & Feelings: What’s going on in their mind e.g., are they tired or motivated?
  • Touchpoint: Does your product play a role at this time e.g., yes/no?


  • Who: Lynda, the busy professional.
  • When: Afternoon
  • Activity: Working on a project deadline.
  • Thoughts & Feelings: Stressed and needs to focus to meet the deadline.
  • Touchpoint: No (Lynda isn’t using your project management tool during her lunch break).

4. Service Blueprint Journey Map

This type of map focuses on the internal processes and actions needed within your product  to deliver a smooth user experience. It supports the user journey map by showing the behind-the-scenes work required to support each touchpoint.

  • Who: Describe the user persona.
  • Goal: What’s the user’s goal?
  • User Touchpoint: Each interaction point from the user’s perspective e.g., website visit, phone call.
  • User Action: What the user does at each touchpoint.
  • Backstage Action: The internal steps your team takes to fulfill the user’s action e.g., process order, answer phone call.
  • Systems & Tools: Technology or resources needed for each backstage action.
  • Pain Points: Challenges faced internally to deliver a smooth user experience.


  • Who: James, the technical student.
  • Goal: To enroll in an online coding course.
  • User Touchpoint: To complete an online enrollment form.
  • User Action: Submits payment information.
  • Backstage Action:
    • Verify payment details.
    • Grant access to the chosen course.
    • Send a welcome email with login credentials.
  • Systems & Tools:
    • Secure payment processing system.
    • Course enrollment database.
    • Automated email marketing platform.
  • Pain Points: Delays in the payment verification system can slow down course access.

5. Emotional Journey Map

 This map is all about the user’s emotional state throughout their experience. It focuses on how the user feels at each touchpoint and helps you understand their emotional highs and lows.

  • Who: Describe the user persona.
  • Goal: What’s the user’s goal?
  • Touchpoint: Each interaction point from the user’s perspective.
  • Action: What the user does at each stage.
  • Emotion: User’s emotional state at each touchpoint e.g., excited, frustrated, relieved.
  • Reason: Why the user feels that way e.g., clear instructions lead to confidence.


  • Who: Sarah, the busy professional.
  • Goal: Order groceries online for quick delivery.
  • Touchpoint: Browses the grocery store app.
  • Action: Searches for specific ingredients.
  • Emotion: Frustrated.
  • Reason: The search function is difficult to use and doesn’t bring desired results.
  • Touchpoint: Discovers a “pre-built recipe” section with one-click ordering.
  • Action: Adds a pre-built recipe to her cart.
  • Emotion: Relieved and happy.
  • Reason: Pre-built recipe solved her problem and saves her time

6. Empathy Map

This lets you understand the user’s perspective on a deeper level, focusing on their emotions and needs.

  • Who: Describe your potential customer.
  • Says: What are their complaints or compliments e.g., I wish there were more video tutorials?
  • Does: How do their actions reveal their needs e.g., keeps revisiting the FAQ section?
  • Emotion: How are they feeling e.g., frustrated or excited?
  • Needs: What are their desires e.g., need a convenient way to learn a new skill


Who: Bhumi, the busy professional


  • This app is so easy to use
  • I wish there were more video tutorials.
  • It takes too long to load new recipes.


  • Keeps adding items to her grocery cart.
  • Revisit the FAQ section multiple times.
  • Spends a long time searching for specific ingredients.


  • Frustrated with slow loading times.
  • Excited about the variety of recipes offered.
  • Confused by some of the recipe instructions.


  • A convenient way to order groceries online.
  • Clear and easy-to-follow recipe instructions.
  • Time-saving features like recipe recommendations or pre-built meal plans.

How to create a user journey map?

A user journey map

If you’re not focused, customer journey maps can get confusing, just select one persona and one user scenario at a time to investigate and illustrate, even if you’re targeting numerous personas.

1. Define Your Goals

You need to know exactly what you want to accomplish first, this will help you in choosing the user touch point that needs mapping.

You’ll probably need to plan out the full customer experience from beginning to end if your goal is comprehensive and this could include a number of distinct road maps. 

But if your goal is let’s say, “To cut down on complaints about late deliveries by half,” you can focus on particular divisions within your company, such as the delivery, warehouse, and customer support departments.

2. Gather Information

Next, you need to understand why your customers want to interact with your product. What is their goal with it? And how do they communicate with you? How long and when do they do this?

Make use of the knowledge you gain to create user personas, this will assist you in pinpointing the demands of your users and figuring out how to best meet their demands and develop empathy for them.

3. Identify Your User Touchpoints

Users engage with your product through various touch points like Online searches, social media, phone calls, blogs, help desks, email marketing, newsletters, in-store activities, conferences, product demos, and sales calls.

Think of how your product’s touchpoints impact your users after you’ve identified them. If something goes wrong, who do they get in touch with? Is it simple for them to obtain your contact information? These are examples of questions you should answer because 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience.

4. Outline the Key Stages of Your Customer Experience

Now, using the information you gathered in the earlier phases, determine the flow of events that your users go through when they deal with your product. 

You might need to provide descriptions of many user journeys because they can differ greatly depending on the person, product line, or service. A customer trying to purchase industrial machinery wholesale, for example, would travel a very different route than someone who places an impulsive fast food order.

5. Start Mapping

It’s time to sketch your user’s journey since you’ve gathered the data you need for your map. List each stage of the process to ensure that you capture every interaction your user has with your product. 

One way to get started would be to outline the tasks that your user persona needs to do, then the user would log into your product to execute the task. You can use digital tools to assist you or map it out on paper. 

You can also fasten your user journey with templates from user experience collaboration platforms like Figma and Miro, these tools also enable great visibility, allowing anybody to examine your map.

6. Validate Your Results

To ensure that your map is as accurate as possible, you will need to validate it. This can be done by asking for feedback from focus groups, a customer forum, other organizational departments, or members of your team.

This will help you determine how accurately your map captures the actual user experience.

7. Analyze Your Map

You can analyze your customer journey map by going back to the goals you set down in Step 1. Are you trying to improve the overall customer experience or are you attempting to tackle a specific issue?

Below are some common problems that may help in your analysis, you can add to these by including additional detailed inquiries about your product and its goals.

  • Are you giving your users too much information at once? 
  • Consider whether your users are aware of who to contact for assistance or information and whether they have access to the appropriate information at the appropriate time. Is it easy for them, for instance, to get orders, complaints, and so forth acknowledged?
  • Examine your products’ touchpoints. They should function as you intended and follow a logical, understandable flow. If not, consider how you can modify them to provide the kind of high-quality user experience that you desire.
  • You need to have an efficient and transparent internal structure. For example, it shouldn’t involve too many departments or personnel because it could confuse customers. Make sure your team members understand how to accomplish your clearly defined goals for the quality of the service you offer.

8. Treat Your Map as a Living Document

Regularly reviewing and updating your customer journey map is a smart idea, especially if you made any major changes to your product (such as adding or eliminating a touchpoint).

By doing this, you can ensure that your business operates with a constant focus on the demands of its users and maintain a high standard of service.

Benefits of a User Journey Mapping

By putting yourself in your user shoes, you can gain a deeper understanding of their perspectives using journey maps. Journey mapping has several benefits:

1. Improves user retention

Consistently enhancing your user experience and the interface of your product are two ways that user journey mapping may help you offer a better product. It shows your commitment to improving your product that you take the time to learn about the problems that your users are facing and work to solve them. Users will stick with you longer and you’ll see a lower customer churn rate when they notice that you’re constantly working to improve their experience with your product.

2. Improves product and feature adoption

Resolving your users’ problems is the ultimate goal of user journey mapping-Your digital adoption rates will increase when your users can accomplish their goals more quickly and effectively.

By mapping out your user journey, you can collect your product statistics that show which elements of your product are being overlooked and provide a more contextual onboarding user experience. 

3. Allows for better KPI benchmarking

When you make changes to your product, you’ll be able to track the results more accurately because your baselines are based on user data instead of assumptions, allowing product teams to make data-driven decisions from A/B testing. You can access additional data from user journey exercises to establish benchmarks and KPIs.

4. Helps identify pain points

A deeper understanding of the user’s perspective and the difficulties they encounter while interacting with your product or service can be known by designers and developers through the process of user journey mapping. They can do this by examining user feedback, behavior, and emotions at each stage of the journey, pain points can be identified.

5. Encourages customer-centric thinking

By creating a user journey map, you take a more customer-centric approach by concentrating on the needs, wants, and emotions of the user.

It produces more intuitive, user-friendly, and pleasurable goods and services by placing the consumer at the center of the development process. 

6. It increases user engagement

User journey mapping helps you find ways to improve user engagement by using features or content that appeal to people and build a more streamlined and simple user experience that encourages users to stay engaged with the product or service by giving priority to these elements.

7. Enhances collaboration

To encourage cooperation and alignment toward a single goal, your user journey mapping should entail bringing together stakeholders from a variety of departments, including design, development, marketing, and customer support. 

A user journey map template

Creating a customer journey map involves writing the steps your customers go through when engaging with your product, be it through buying a product or online services, Here’s a basic template you can adapt to your needs:

1. Customer Persona

  • Name: Give your persona a name or a title.
  • Demographics: Age, location, job role, etc.
  • Goals and Needs: What are they trying to achieve?
  • Pain Points: What challenges do they face?

To do this, you can Interview or survey your target demographic to collect accurate persona details.

2. The Journey’s Stages

Dividing the journey into important phases like:

  • Awareness: This stage is when potential customers first learn about your brand or product.
  • Consideration: This phase is when interested people measure how your product or service meets their needs.
  • Decision: This is when potential buyers make the choice to purchase your product or not.
  • Retention: This stage is focused on keeping your customers satisfied and engaged after they’ve made a purchase.
  • Advocacy: This phase is where satisfied customers recommend your product or service to others and become your brand advocates.

3. Touchpoints

Map out each stage your customer goes through from when they first  hear about your product to becoming a  loyal customer

  • Awareness: This is when your customers find out about your product or service (e.g., ads, social media).
  • Consideration: What your customers look at when considering your offering (e.g., website, reviews).
  • Purchase: The buying process (e.g., in-store, online checkout).
  • Post-Purchase: Follow-up, support, and how you encourage loyalty.

For example:

  • Discovery: A customer sees an ad on a tech blog through a social media post from a friend.
  • Research: Visits your website, reads online reviews, and compares specifications.
  • Purchase: Select a product on your website, and complete the checkout process.
  • Onboarding: When your user receives the product, follows the setup guide, and contacts support for help.
  • Loyalty: Sign up for your newsletter, join the loyalty program, and recommend your product to friends.

4. Actions

List out the steps that your users take at every point in their journey, this can involve using your product, going to your website, or chatting with a representative.

 You can use analytics and customer feedback to understand what actions are most common and pivotal at each stage.

5. Emotions

Identify how the customer feels at each stage, Are they frustrated? Happy? Confused? This will help you see areas for improvement.

6. Opportunities for Improvement

Based on the user’s emotions and actions at each stage use it to identify where you can make your user journey smoother or more enjoyable and Prioritize these opportunities based on customer impact and business feasibility.

7. Metrics

Know which metrics you want to use in measuring the effectiveness of each stage in the journey (For example., conversion rate, customer satisfaction score). You can Set up a dashboard to regularly monitor these metrics and identify trends or areas for immediate action.

8. Visual Representation

Create a visual map (might be a simple chart, graph, or a more elaborate illustration) that represents all of the above components. This makes the journey easier to understand at a glance.

Use diagramming tools like Lucidchart, Miro, or even PowerPoint to create your map. Ensure it’s easily accessible and review it regularly with your team to discuss improvements.


1. Do I need a customer-journey map for every persona or customer segment?

The number of journey maps you should make is not governed by any strict guidelines but generally speaking, a more focused user journey map is preferable. You’ll most likely tell a clear story if your user journey map focuses on one persona in a particular scenario, so the answer is YES!

2. Who should be involved in the process?

The marketing, customer service, sales, and related teams will be of help in collecting data for your internal research because they possess valuable insights into the customer journey.

3. I work for a nonprofit. How does customer-journey mapping apply to my organization?

The most important stage in the customer journey happens at the point of conversion when the buyer decides what to buy. The decision made by a visitor to your website to help your nonprofit is known as the “point of conversion” in the nonprofit industry. You’re probably donor-centric rather than customer-centric.

Journey mapping applies to both B2B and  B2C as well as nonprofit organizations. You have to rank your actors and scenarios in order of importance in both settings and a donor persona who chooses to make his or her first donation to your organization might be your first journey map.

4. What considerations are needed for remote teams?

For a remote team, you must get multiple departments communicating and working together. It is often best accomplished in in-person meetings but for remote teams, a conference call is still better than an email chain.

5. What should I use to create the visualization?

Make sure your data has been synthesized before you even start thinking about the aesthetics of your map. A journey map that is beautiful and flawed can result from a visual-first mindset.

Regardless of the tool, make sure it is user-friendly -Tools like Microsoft PowerPoint or Visio ensure that most team members will have access to them but they lack live collaboration and risk that team members will not have the latest version of the document but online tools like Mural or Smaply encourages co-creation and easy-to-access digital artifacts. 

By following your user journey, you can learn where their needs and expectations are successfully being met, and where you need to improve. To create your map, use the outlined step above as a guide. Visit FAQPRIME for more expert insight.

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