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Replace “live chat” with a self-serve help

First, what’s wrong with “live chat ” 

Most B2B SAAS companies offer “live chat” but only 20% of SaaS users actually use live chat. And why would they? Would you like to wait for 2 minutes and 30 seconds to get an answer? Even though only a few users want to “live chat”, it doesn’t mean they’re bad users. 

Truth is, many of your users just want to get their work done and don’t want to wait for a live agent to respond. They may prefer to find the information they need on their own or submit a ticket for later.

What to do instead?

Think about it from your user’s standpoint, why did they log into your product?  They’re working on a job, trying to achieve a specific goal, and hoping your product can help them. They want to make progress and cross something off their to-do list. But “live chat” doesn’t feel like progress, it feels like delay.

Simple next steps

Think about the specific progress your prospects are trying to make, and how you can help them right away. Here are a few next steps you can offer, depending on the current state of your product:

1. Create a comprehensive knowledge base

2. Provide interactive onboarding

3. Offer in-app contextual help

4. Create How-to video tutorials

These options need amplification, so, clearly communicate the availability of self-serve resources through in-app notifications, email campaigns, and on your website.

Bottom line is this – nobody wants to wait for a response. So, start by figuring out what users actually want, and offer them the ‘help manifestation(s)’ that enables them to achieve the goal for which they hired your product in the first place.

I hope this helps!