Analyzing knowledge base performance is an essential part of maintaining an effective customer service system. With the right metrics and analytics techniques, you can quickly identify areas of improvement that lead to better customer engagement, satisfaction, and success.
The performance of a knowledge base is measured by how well it meets customer needs and how quickly it can answer their questions.
Steps to Analyze Knowledge Base Performance

Let’s now go through the steps to analyze knowledge base performance.
At Faqprime, we believe that with the right tools and processes, we can effectively measure the performance of your knowledge base.
Here are steps to analyze knowledge base performance:
Step 1: Understand your Knowledge base Metrics
Your knowledge base should be a collection of content that is easily browsable and searchable by users. It should provide answers to questions, helping customers quickly find the information they need. The metrics you’ll have to measure are page views, searches, and how many questions are answered. You can also measure how quickly users find the answers they’re looking for and how satisfied they are with the results.
Step 2: Set up Tracking Goals
Setting up tracking codes, or “snippets,” will record certain user activities or behavior. This allows you to track page views and searches, and see how long users spend on certain pages, what pages they’re visiting, and other data. It in turn helps you get an accurate view of your knowledge base performance.
Once you’ve established the metrics you’ll be tracking, you can create goals for the knowledge base. These goals should be tailored to the specific objectives of your knowledge base. For example, if your goal is to reduce customer service calls, the metrics can be to decrease the average time spent on customer service calls or to reduce the number of unresolved customer issues.
Step 3: Monitor Performance
This can be done by creating reports, analyzing the data, and adjusting your knowledge base as needed to make sure it’s meeting customer needs.
Alternatively, you can do it by comparing performance against the established metrics and goals. You can also use data to identify areas where the knowledge base might need improvement.
Step 4: Refine your Knowledge base
This could mean making changes to the content, organization, or navigation of your knowledge base. As well as you can create new content or improve existing content. This will help ensure your knowledge base is helping users find the answers they need quickly and effectively.
Step 5: Track Results and Make Adjustments
You’ll be able to see which parts of your knowledge base are working and which need to be improved, so you can continually update your knowledge base and provide the best experience to your customers.
The goal is to improve the customer service experience and the overall effectiveness of the knowledge base.
Key features to measure knowledge base performance
Utilizing a knowledge base can provide your customers with the information that they need quickly and easily. It can also save businesses time and money by decreasing the need for calls and emails to customer service teams.
To analyze knowledge base performance, you should measure the following metrics:
1. User Satisfaction
This metric measures how satisfied users are with the knowledge base. It can be measured by tracking user feedback, such as surveys, comments, and ratings.
2. Search Success Rate
This metric measures how successful users are in finding the information they need in the knowledge base. It can be measured by tracking the number of successful searches compared to the total number of searches.
3. Content Quality
This metric measures the quality of the content in the knowledge base. It can be measured by tracking the accuracy and completeness of the content.
4. Content Relevance
This metric measures how relevant the content is to the user’s needs. It can be measured by tracking the number of users who find the content useful.
5. Content Engagement
This metric measures how engaged users are with the content in the knowledge base. It can be measured by tracking the number of views, downloads, and shares of the content.
Ready to get started with analyzing knowledge base performance? Check out our knowledge base tool, Faqprime to quickly and easily build and assess the performance of your knowledge base.