creating a channel on Microsoft Teams

Organize discussions by creating a channel in Microsoft Teams, making teamwork streamlined and focused.

Head to your Microsoft Teams dashboard

Click on the Community button on the left-hand side

Click on Create My Own

Enter the name of the community

Turn on the Require Approved to Join option

Upload a community avatar (optional)

Enable the public option

Click on Create

Redirect to the community section

Click on Add Channel

Enter the channel name

creating a channel on Microsoft Teams:

1. Head to your Microsoft Teams dashboard 2. Click on the Community button on the left-hand side 3. Click on Create My Own 4. Enter the name of the community 5. Turn on the Require Approved to Join option 6. Upload a community avatar (optional) 7. Enable the public option 8. Click on Create 9. Redirect to the community section 10.Click on Add Channel 11. Enter the channel name

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