analytics/stats on Front

Track performance with Front's analytics and stats. Access detailed insights on message handling, response times, and team productivity to optimize support efficiency.

Head to your Front dashboard.

Go to the Analytics tab on the top bar.

Explore the Workload section on Front.

Change the date range in the Workload section.

Explore your shared inboxes.

Navigate to view all teammates.

Search for specific teammates.

Apply filters for detailed insights.

Include or exclude tags for more specific data.

Set the business hours in Analytics.

Apply tags to busiest times.

Adjust the efficiency settings.

That’s it!

analytics/stats on Front:

1. Head to your Front dashboard. 2. Go to the Analytics tab on the top bar. 3. Explore the Workload section on Front. 4. Change the date range in the Workload section. 5. Explore your shared inboxes. 6. Navigate to view all teammates. 7. Search for specific teammates. 8. Apply filters for detailed insights. 9. Include or exclude tags for more specific data. 10. Set the business hours in Analytics. 11. Apply tags to busiest times. 12. Adjust the efficiency settings. 13. That’s it!

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