AI Workflow Template: Code Documentation

This workflow is designed to help you create thorough and well-organized documentation for your project.
After following these steps, you would have:
✅ A complete project overview
✅ Detailed documentation for all code files
✅ A comprehensive API reference
✅ Usage examples
✅ Installation instructions
✅ A well-structured README
✅ A compiled, review-ready documentation in Markdown format

AI Workflow Steps

Step 1: Write the Project Overview

					Analyze the following project structure and code files. Provide a high-level overview of the project's purpose and main components.
[Paste project structure and main code files]

Step 2: Generate Document Structure

					Based on the project overview, generate a structured outline for the documentation, including sections for Introduction, Installation, Usage, API Reference, and Examples.

Step 3: Detailed Code Analysis

					For each code file in the project, perform the following tasks:
a) Summarize the file's purpose
b) List and describe all functions, classes, and important variables
c) Generate docstring-style documentation for each function and class
d) Identify and explain complex or non-obvious parts of the code
e) Suggest inline comments for improved readability

Step 4: API Reference Creation

					Using the information from the detailed code analysis, create a comprehensive API reference section, organizing functions and classes by module or logical groupings.

Step 5: Usage Examples

					Generate practical usage examples for the main functionalities of the project, including code snippets and explanations.

Step 6: Installation and Dependencies

					Create clear installation instructions, including a list of all dependencies and how to install them.

Step 7: README Generation

					Create a file that includes a project summary, quick start guide, and links to the full documentation.

Step 8: Documentation Compilation

					Compile all the generated content into a cohesive documentation structure, ensuring consistent formatting and style.

Step 9: Documentation Review and Refinement [Optional]

					Review the compiled documentation for consistency, clarity, and completeness. Suggest any areas that may need human input or verification.

Step 10: Output in Markdown Format

					Generate the final documentation in Markdown format, suitable for rendering on GitHub or converting to other formats like HTML or PDF.

To find more AI Prompts related to Code Documentation, click here.

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