sharing a conversation on

Easily share your recorded meetings and conversations with others using Collaborate by distributing transcripts and audio files.

Head to your dashboard.

Click on the meeting or conversation you want to share.

Click on Share.

Add the names, emails, or channels to share it with team members or colleagues.

Add the emails.

Copy the link to share it with your team members.

Share it or post it on Slack.

Add a personal note if you want.

sharing a conversation on

1. Head to your dashboard. 2. Click on the meeting or conversation you want to share. 3. Click on Share. 4. Add the names, emails, or channels to share it with team members or colleagues. 5. Add the emails. 6. Copy the link to share it with your team members. 7. Share it or post it on Slack. 8. Add a personal note if you want.

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