17 Product Launch Email Examples [+ What they did Right]

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This article explains in detail everything you need to know about curating a detailed product launch email to urge users to make a purchase.

An average email user receives tons of emails daily, so yours has to stand out to get their attention. 

Based on data, the average person receives around 120 emails a day. So if your product feature launch mail doesn’t capture a user’s attention, they will likely ignore it.

To help you out, we’ve gathered the 17 best product launch emails in this article.


A product email launch is important because it engages recipients, creates buzz, and prompts the user to take action; this involves making a purchase or signing up for more information.

To create a successful product mail launch, you should: 

  • Use a product launch email sequence
  • Use short and compelling subject lines
  • Include one relevant CTA

Some of the best product launch email examples have elements like: 

  • Emojis and stunning visuals convey emotion. 
  • Social proof is a way to encourage users to take action. 
  • Clear information on what the product offers, its benefits, and its value. 

If you are sending a product launch email, it has to stand out and be engaging so users know about your product updates and ultimately make a purchase. 

What is a product launch email?

A product launch mail is an email a company sends to its customers to announce a new product or feature or offer full details about a launch. Companies mainly send product launch emails to provide their customers with deep insight into a new product update and how they can benefit from it. A good product launch email is good for boosting awareness and curiosity.

17 Best product launch email examples from SaaS

1. Netflix 

Netflix is an on-demand video platform, and in their email template, they designed an attractive email to grab the attention of the recipient with a call to action to drive them to the product page. What makes the email attention-grabbing is the use of the movie poster, and an engaging CTA to prompt users to take action.

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email has:

  • A simple image and title to keep the message short and to the point.
  • It has detailed information about the movie. 
  • It has a visually engaging CTA – “Play Trailer” to tease the user about the movie and get them excited to watch its release. 

2. Game Analytics  

Again, this email has a short and simple subject, and the emoji depicts what the reader should expect when they open the email. In a research of the best and highest conversion rate Black Friday email subject lines, emails with to-the-point and short subject lines are the highest-converting ones. 

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email has:

  • Clear information on the products offered, why readers need them, and how to buy them.
  • A to-the-point subject line with a relevant emoji.
  • A nice graphic showcasing the product.

3. Grammarly 

A good product launch email consists of an engaging subject, valuable content, and visuals that support the text. This Grammarly email has all the elements of a good product launch mail.

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • It addresses the readers’ pain points, explaining what the product does. 
  • It makes use of animation to show the product’s features.
  • It has a CTA to drive the user to take action. 

4. Click Up 

In this update, ClickUp informs the users with images of a user toggling options on a ClickUp dashboard, with a short text below. Images are important because it’s easy for users to understand a message quickly and understand it. 

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • It contains images, and less text, so users don’t feel overwhelmed with texts. Rather they get the message visually and quickly. 
  • The email has engaging graphics showcasing the product.
  • It has a nice CTA to prompt the user to take an action.

5. Confluence 

Confluence’s email update features a screenshot of the product’s feature and a short text that assures users they will benefit from using the product. 

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • It has a one-line summary that promises users they’ll surely benefit from using the product. 
  • It has a CTA, so users can learn more.
  • It has an image depicting the product so users can envision themselves using the product and for engagement. 

6. HoneyStack

When crafting a product email, visually showing users or customers the feature you’re launching is so important. Because they know what to expect and users see the value right away. HockeyStack’s bi-weekly product updates show an attribution feature that can capture users’ attention immediately. 

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • it captures the user’s attention with one image, displaying the product feature and what they can expect from the new update. 
  • Overall the email is short and users can easily understand the information in it quickly. 
  • The use of emojis in the text makes it engaging. 

7. Airtable

If you send product emails often to your customers, informing them about product redesigns guides them to relearn how to use your product or service. This email template by Airtable uses a redesigned template to highlight all the positive changes the user gets when they use the product. 

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • In this email template, Airtable announces the release of a redesigned, easier-to-navigate home screen. A way to get users excited about the product. 
  • It has short and concise text users can easily grasp. 
  • It has a CTA that directs the user to take an action, in this case, to read a blog. 

8. Trello 

Trello uses engaging images, a subject, and a clear CTA to announce its latest features. Then, it also employs a word-of-mouth marketing strategy with its “Get Free Gold” campaign. 

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • It has an engaging subject, CTA, and images. 
  • It shows the product’s features so users can get a glimpse of what they feel when using the product. 
  • It has a CTA that rewards the user for taking an action. 

9. Postcards

This email template is a perfect way to describe the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” The reason is that; Postcard’s product email has bold, captivating imagery that tells a story. Complementing the story is a brief text below the image. 

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • The email has images and texts that are elegant, simple, and clear.
  • It also has a nice and clear CTA button. 
  • Overall the email template is short and concise. 

10. Wordtune

Wordtune’s email template has a clear CTA that prompts the users to take action. The mail also has a graphic showcasing the announced feature. Also, taking into consideration the numbered points used at the end, it’s hard for the reader to not read the text.  

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • It has a compelling CTA that will prompt users to take action. 
  • The email template texts have bullet points that prompt users to read without skipping a beat. 
  • The template has short texts which are numbered, for easy grasping of information. 

11. Loom 

In this email template by Loom, the graphics are engaging and clear, showing what the product’s new design looks like. With this graphic, Loom shows what users should expect when using the product

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • The template has a clear and engaging graphic detailing what users should expect when they use the new product’s redesigned version. 
  • The template has short and concise texts, so users do not spend too much time reading. 
  • It highlights the product’s details. 

12. Figma 

In this email template, Figma announces a new set of plugins. But what makes this template special is that it includes links to relevant pages, a live stream, and their social handles.

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • The email templates incorporate guides that users can follow to learn more about the product. 
  • It uses graphics to make the email attractive and engaging. 
  • The use of short and concise text also makes it appealing and engaging. 

13. Ahrefs 

This email template was curated to ensure the reader doesn’t spend too much time reading but actually carrying out an action. Ahrefs embeds a brief YouTube video that directly discusses these updates. 

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • The email contains a link to a video and a detailed blog post, so they take action to learn about the product’s new updates. The reader doesn’t need to read everything in a lengthy email.
  • It also has a video detailing the product’s update.
  • A very short text is in the email, to not bore readers. 

14. Descript

The Descript email template consists of texts that are easy to read, broken into clear sections with helpful visuals, and an introductory video.

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • Although the texts in the mail are long and detailed, they are broken down into smaller parts to make them clear and understandable for the reader. 
  • It has a nice video ad that shows the product being helpful. 
  • It also highlights the product’s features, which is important in a product launch mail template. 

15. Graphy 

In this email template, Graphy highlights its unique value proposition relating it to a highlighted need. Although the email is a bit long, it shows the reader its unique benefits and how it can help the customer. 

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • The email has clear and concise text of the product details to inform the users well enough of the problem it solves. 
  • This email template highlights the product’s value proposition. 
  • It has a video displaying the product’s usage. 

16. Scribe 

Scribe’s product release email introduces the feature with an image and short and concise text. docs. And it ends with a simple CTA button inviting the user to try the product out. The CTA ensures users take action, while the images improve click rates, and the short text ensures the mail is not filtered by spam filters. 

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • It has a short CTA, to improve the email’s response. 
  • It has images depicting the product’s features to improve click rates. 
  • It has a short and concise text users can easily grasp. 

17. Narrato

Narrato’s email uses social proof to highlight the success the product has enjoyed on Product Hunt. Then, they use emotion to urge readers to help them maintain that success with a 50% discount offer.

What this product launch mail does right:

The product release email is right because:

  • The mail contains highlights of the product’s success and can influence customers to try the product. 
  • It has a nice CTA that urges users to take action. 
  • The mail’s text is short.

What makes the best Product Launch Email?

Use short and compelling subject lines

An average email user receives tons of emails daily, so yours has to stand out to get their attention. The subject line is the first thing the user sees, and it should be compelling. 

To create a compelling subject line: 

  • You should keep it short and on point. 
  • Your subject line should be related to the email body. 
  • The subject line should have a sense of urgency, and it should be intriguing. 
  • Use emojis and icons to stand out
  • Use A/B testing strategies to try out different subject lines to see the best one that would work out. 

Example: NEW: [product’s feature] has arrived! 

Use a product launch email sequence

A successful product launch email campaign consists of a series of emails rather than just one. Sending just one mail won’t get the message across. 

The first mail sequence should have a teaser email alerting the reader to know something is coming. Most importantly, the email can hint at the problem it’ll solve. 

Next, send them an announcement email to tell them what is coming and when. On the launch day, send them an email that would engage your audience and get them interested in the product. 

Here is a sample of the product launch email sequence template:

Email 1 (7-10 days before launch):

Subject: [Product’s name] Coming Soon!


Teaser image or video

Brief description of the product and its benefits

Call-to-action (CTA) to join a priority list for early access

Email 2 (3-5 days before launch):

Subject: Get Ready for Launch Day!


Product feature highlights

Testimonials from beta testers or influencers

CTA to share the launch with friends and family

Email 3 (Launch Day):

Subject: It’s Here! Introducing [Product Name]


Product announcement

Detailed product information and demos

Special launch offer or discount

CTA to buy now or learn more

Email 4 (Post-Launch):

Subject: Thank You for Your Support!


Gratitude for customer support

Product tutorial or tips

CTA to share feedback or review the product

Email 5 (Follow-up):

Subject: Don’t Miss Out! [Product Name] Update


Product update or new feature announcement

Customer success story or case study

CTA to continue using or upgrading the product

Include one relevant CTA

You must include a compelling call to action (CTA) in your email. Your email template should have just one CTA to ensure your email isn’t confusing or distracting.

Example: “See how it works.”


1. What is an example of a product launch message?

[Product name] has arrived! We listened to you, and we’re so excited to tell you that [product name] is available for you. With [product name], you will be able to [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and [benefit 3].

2. How many emails can I send for a product launch?

For a single product launch, you should send 6 emails. pre-launch notice, testimonial/hype email, launch email, launch follow-up with product discount, product review, and post-launch last chance discount. 

3. How to introduce a new service to customers through email?

An effective introduction to your customers through email should be concise, clear, and compelling. Also, it should highlight your value proposition and express genuine interest in connecting with the recipient. 

4. What to say when launching a new product?

While launching a new product, explain the product’s value, features, and benefits. So customers understand what to expect when they use the product and likely see value in it.

5. How Do You Write A Product Launch Post?

To create a product launch post that engages your audience, you need to first, know your audience. Then the rest steps are: writing a catchy headline. use storytelling techniques in your content,  highlight your value proposition, and lastly include a clear call to action.

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