11 Best Knowledge Base Softwares

A knowledge base is a software designed to help businesses manage, organize, and share their information effectively. It provides a centralized repository of information including FAQs, manuals, guides, and tutorials.

Employees spend nearly 20% of their time looking for internal information or tracking down colleagues who can help with specific tasks. This is because they struggle with disorganized documentation, unshared knowledge, and outdated information. A knowledge base software addresses this, allowing employees to access the right information at the right time, improving productivity and efficiency.

Here is the list of the best knowledge base softwares.

Company Contact Country
Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Germany
Centro comercial Moctezuma Francisco Chang Mexico
Ernst Handel Roland Mendel Austria
Island Trading Helen Bennett UK
Laughing Bacchus Winecellars Yoshi Tannamuri Canada
Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Giovanni Rovelli Italy

1. Faqprime

Faqprime is a knowledge base software that helps businesses manage incoming support tickets, improve sales conversions, and enhance customer engagement. It’s a multi-language platform that allows businesses to send targeted messages, add hotspots to highlight important features or offers, and generate content with domain-specific questions.

What can you build with Faqprime's knowledge base software?

  • Personalized User Onboarding: Get new users up to speed with personalized onboarding tours and checklists from inside your product itself.

  • In-app Contextual Help: Intelligently and proactively resolve common questions with personalized FAQs and smart search capabilities inside your product.

  • Pop-ups, NPS, Surveys & Feedback Academy: Deliver personalized product education at scale.

  • What’s New: Announce your latest product releases, new features, improvements, news, and more.

  • Knowledge Base: Launch a beautifully designed, SEO-ready knowledge base to match your brand.

  • Segmentation & Targeting: Target the right customer with the right help at the right time based on various factors.

  • Custom Branding: Build beautiful experiences to match your brand.

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+93 AF +358 AX +355 AL +213 DZ +1684 AS +376 AD +244 AO +1264 AI +672 AQ +1268 AG +54 AR +374 AM +297 AW +61 AU +43 AT +994 AZ +1242 BS +973 BH +880 BD +1246 BB +375 BY +32 BE +501 BZ +229 BJ +1441 BM +975 BT +591 BO +599 BQ +387 BA +267 BW +47 BV +55 BR +246 IO +673 BN +359 BG +226 BF +257 BI +855 KH +237 CM +1 CA +34 IC +238 CV +1345 KY +236 CF +34 EA +235 TD +56 CL +86 CN +61 CX +61 CC +57 CO +269 KM +242 CG +243 CD +682 CK +506 CR +225 CI +385 HR +53 CU +599 CW +357 CY +420 CZ +45 DK +253 DJ +1767 DM +1809 DO +1829 DO +1849 DO +593 EC +20 EG +503 SV +240 GQ +291 ER +372 EE +251 ET +500 FK +298 FO +679 FJ +358 FI +33 FR +594 GF +689 PF +262 TF +241 GA +220 GM +995 GE +49 DE +233 GH +350 GI +30 GR +299 GL +1473 GD +590 GP +1671 GU +502 GT +44 GG +224 GN +245 GW +592 GY +509 HT +672 HM +379 VA +504 HN +852 HK +36 HU +354 IS +91 IN +62 ID +98 IR +964 IQ +353 IE +44 IM +972 IL +39 IT +1876 JM +81 JP +44 JE +962 JO +7 KZ +254 KE +686 KI +850 KP +82 KR +965 KW +996 KG +856 LA +371 LV +961 LB +266 LS +231 LR +218 LY +423 LI +370 LT +352 LU +853 MO +389 MK +261 MG +265 MW +60 MY +960 MV +223 ML +356 MT +692 MH +596 MQ +222 MR +230 MU +262 YT +52 MX +691 FM +373 MD +377 MC +976 MN +382 ME +1664 MS +212 MA +258 MZ +95 MM +264 NA +674 NR +977 NP +31 NL +687 NC +64 NZ +505 NI +227 NE +234 NG +683 NU +672 NF +1670 MP +47 NO +968 OM +92 PK +680 PW +970 PS +507 PA +675 PG +595 PY +51 PE +63 PH +64 PN +48 PL +351 PT +1787 PR +974 QA +383 XK +262 RE +40 RO +7 RU +250 RW +590 BL +290 SH +1869 KN +1758 LC +590 MF +508 PM +1784 VC +685 WS +378 SM +239 ST +966 SA +221 SN +381 RS +248 SC +232 SL +65 SG +1721 SX +421 SK +386 SI +677 SB +252 SO +27 ZA +500 GS +211 SS +34 ES +94 LK +249 SD +597 SR +47 SJ +268 SZ +46 SE +41 CH +963 SY +886 TW +992 TJ +255 TZ +66 TH +670 TL +228 TG +690 TK +676 TO +1868 TT +216 TN +90 TR +993 TM +1649 TC +688 TV +256 UG +380 UA +971 AE +44 GB +1 US +246 UM +598 UY +998 UZ +678 VU +58 VE +84 VN +1284 VG +1340 VI +681 WF +212 EH +967 YE +260 ZM +263 ZW
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  • Product help docs: Self-service knowledge base for your SaaS products.

  • Tech Documentation: Create API docs, system docs, and release notes.

  • Wikis: Centralize all your knowledge in one place.

  • Private knowledge base: Make your knowledge base private with login authentication for employees or clients.

Get started with Faqprime today!

Faqprime’s AI-powered knowledge base builder makes knowledge base creation easy and effortless.

  • Personalized User Onboarding: Get new users up to speed with personalized onboarding tours and checklists from inside your product itself.

  • In-app Contextual Help: Intelligently and proactively resolve common questions with personalized FAQs and smart search capabilities inside your product.

  • Pop-ups, NPS, Surveys & Feedback Academy: Deliver personalized product education at scale.

  • What’s New: Announce your latest product releases, new features, improvements, news, and more.

  • Knowledge Base: Launch a beautifully designed, SEO-ready knowledge base to match your brand.

  • Segmentation & Targeting: Target the right customer with the right help at the right time based on various factors.

  • Custom Branding: Build beautiful experiences to match your brand.

Get started with Faqprime today!

Faqprime’s AI-powered knowledge base builder makes knowledge base creation easy and effortless.

  • Personalized User Onboarding: Get new users up to speed with personalized onboarding tours and checklists from inside your product itself.

  • In-app Contextual Help: Intelligently and proactively resolve common questions with personalized FAQs and smart search capabilities inside your product.

  • Pop-ups, NPS, Surveys & Feedback Academy: Deliver personalized product education at scale.

  • What’s New: Announce your latest product releases, new features, improvements, news, and more.

  • Knowledge Base: Launch a beautifully designed, SEO-ready knowledge base to match your brand.

  • Segmentation & Targeting: Target the right customer with the right help at the right time based on various factors.

  • Custom Branding: Build beautiful experiences to match your brand.

Speak to our sales expert

  • Personalized User Onboarding: Get new users up to speed with personalized onboarding tours and checklists from inside your product itself.

  • In-app Contextual Help: Intelligently and proactively resolve common questions with personalized FAQs and smart search capabilities inside your product.

  • Pop-ups, NPS, Surveys & Feedback Academy: Deliver personalized product education at scale.

  • What’s New: Announce your latest product releases, new features, improvements, news, and more.

  • Knowledge Base: Launch a beautifully designed, SEO-ready knowledge base to match your brand.

  • Segmentation & Targeting: Target the right customer with the right help at the right time based on various factors.

  • Custom Branding: Build beautiful experiences to match your brand.

Speak to our sales expert

What do our customers say?

2. Intercom

Intercom offers a comprehensive suite of customer communication tools, including a robust knowledge base feature. It enables businesses to create and maintain a centralized repository of information to address common customer queries.

Intercom’s knowledge base software supports rich content formats, such as articles, videos, and images, to provide engaging self-service support experiences. It offers a Help Desk, AI Chatbot, and Proactive Support.

3. Zohodesk

Zohodesk provides a comprehensive suite of customer support tools, including a knowledge base feature. It allows businesses to create, publish, and manage knowledge articles to provide self-service support options to customers.

Zohodesk’s knowledge base software includes features such as article collaboration, content categorization, and search optimization to enhance the customer support experience.

4. Salesforce Service Cloud

Salesforce Service Cloud offers a knowledge base feature as part of its comprehensive customer service platform. It enables businesses to create, organize, and share knowledge articles to provide self-service support options to customers.

Salesforce Service Cloud’s knowledge base software includes features such as article versioning, content personalization, and integration with other Salesforce products to streamline customer support processes.

5. HelpScout

HelpScout offers a knowledge base software that focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It enables businesses to create and organize knowledge articles to provide self-service support options to customers.

HelpScout’s knowledge base software includes features such as article feedback, article tagging, and analytics to help businesses improve their support resources continually.

6. Zendesk

Zendesk is a widely-used customer support platform that includes a robust knowledge base feature. It allows businesses to create, organize, and publish articles to help customers find answers to their questions independently.

Zendesk’s knowledge base software integrates seamlessly with its other support channels, providing a cohesive customer support experience. It also provides AI-powered article recommendations inside support tickets, flags old content for improvements, and lets agents draft new knowledge base articles.

7. Freshdesk

Freshdesk offers a comprehensive suite of customer support tools, including a knowledge base feature. It enables businesses to create and manage knowledge articles to provide self-service support options to customers.

Freshdesk’s knowledge base software includes features such as article versioning, content categorization, and multilingual support to enhance the customer support experience.

8. Klutch.app

Klutch.app is a knowledge base software designed to help businesses organize and share information. It offers a multi-platform solution that boosts productivity for customer services, administrations, legal departments, and more.

It provides lightning-fast canned responses for all your favorite platforms. It’s collaborative, with built-in teams so you can decide exactly which canned responses you want to share with who.

9. LiveAgent

LiveAgent is a customer support platform that includes a knowledge base feature for creating and managing self-service support resources. It offers customizable templates, article categorization, and analytics to help businesses provide relevant and helpful information to their customers.

LiveAgent’s knowledge base software integrates seamlessly with its other support channels, facilitating efficient customer interactions.

10. Front

Front is a collaborative customer communication platform that includes a knowledge base feature. It enables businesses to create and share knowledge articles internally and externally to provide self-service support options to customers.

Front’s knowledge base software integrates seamlessly with its other communication channels, allowing businesses to provide consistent and efficient support across all touchpoints.

11. HelpSpace

HelpSpace is a knowledge base software focused on simplicity and ease of use. It provides businesses with the essential features needed to create and maintain a knowledge repository effectively.

HelpSpace offers customizable templates, article categorization, and search functionality to help customers find answers to their questions quickly.

What is the best knowledge base software?

Faqprime is the best knowledge base software designed to streamline customer support processes. It offers an intuitive interface for creating, organizing, and managing FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) efficiently. Faqprime stands out for its user-friendly design, making it easy for both customers and support agents to navigate and find relevant information quickly. With features like customizable templates, rich media support, and analytics, Faqprime empowers businesses to deliver exceptional self-service support experiences.

  • Faqprime uses AI to quickly document and organize both public and internal knowledge and documents.

  • It offers AI-assisted content creation and generates questions from chat history.

  • It provides performance metrics to keep your knowledge base current.

  • It’s a self-serve Help OS designed to accelerate product usage and enhance user experience.

  • It’s trusted by over 5.4K businesses and offers a range of features to unlock the value of your product faster for your users and employees.

Speak to our sales expert

Faqprime is considered one of the best knowledge base software due to its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface. It’s trusted by businesses and is designed to accelerate product usage and enhance user experience.